A Long Overdue Update…

Like many New Years Resolutions, it seems I’ve also let this blog drop to the wayside as I have focused my attention on my other writing. The bad news: this means it has become woefully neglected and out of date. The good news: I actually have something exciting to update it with now! I’m going to try to be better at at least doing more regular updates on my reading list even if I don’t have any writing updates, but we all know about the best laid plans…

Since I last posted, I finished my memoir manuscript, but reluctantly decided to shelve it for the time being to focus on building more of a platform for myself before trying to put it in front of agents/publishers. As sad as I was to do that, it gave me the space to try my hand at writing fiction for the first time and….I loved it.

I’ve had the idea for my Celtic mythology-inspired Arthurian legend retelling for at least half of my life because I’ve always been a big fan of Arthurian legend, and though MANY have written their own versions of it over time, there were always certain aspects of the story that bugged me and were never really addressed in other retellings (Mists of Avalon probably gets the closest).

Anyway, long story short, the general writing advice is to write the book you want to read, so I did. And let me tell you, I am so in love with this trilogy that I have developed. I’m on my second round of beta readers right now, and I am hopeful that it will be ready for querying once I am able to get/incorporate that feedback. I am exceptionally nervous about jumping into the query trenches with my first adult age-range project because I know things are HARD right now in the traditional publishing world, but at the same time, I love this story and have to hope that someone else will love it enough to give me a chance.

Last Read: One Dark Window (This is Rachel Gillig’s debut and was my most anticipated Fall new release, and let me tell you, it did NOT disappoint. I have such a terrible book hangover from it right now that I have DNF’d the last two books I picked up because I wanted to just re-read this one instead).

Current Read: Dark Night Golden Dawn (I’m only a few pages in, so not much to say yet other than the decision to comp it to Crescent City seems very accurate, so make of that what you will).


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Punished for the Crime of Being Female